Daltons Midway North

Winter on Your Car Battery

Your battery life drops significantly in the cold

You may be wondering about the effects of Winter on Your Car Battery. At Daltons Midway, we are experts in keeping Your Vehicle running smoothly on the road. For more information, you may want to check out our post from last year on Tips for Safe Driving In Winter.

Your Vehicle’s Battery is significantly affected by Winter and the cold, no matter what Your Vehicle’s Battery age. In the graphic above, however, it is shown that as the outside temperatures get lower, Your Vehicle’s Battery takes more power to get started. This is the main effect of Winter on Your Vehicle’s Battery.

What does this mean for you and Your Vehicle? It means that if Your Vehicle’s Battery is older, it is more likely to strand you, causing inconvenience. Even a newer Car Battery does not function at 100% in colder temperatures. (Note that the temperatures in the graphic above are listed in Celsius. This shows that at 8 degrees Celsius, which is roughly 45 degrees Fahrenheit, even the best Car Battery needs 155% of its available power to get started. If Your Vehicle’s Battery is older and weaker, the power Your Car needs may be more than the power Your Vehicle’s Battery has to give.

Read here for more detailed information on how temperature affects Your Car Battery.

How do you prevent this problem with Your Vehicle’s Battery? An average Car Battery lasts three to five years. If Your Vehicle’s Battery is on the older side, it is a good idea to get it checked at Your Local Auto Mechanic to ensure that it doesn’t need replacing. It’s better to take the time to have Your Car Battery checked than to have it strand you at the side of the road.

At Daltons Midway, we are happy to check Your Vehicle’s Battery, as well as take care of any of Your Vehicle’s maintenance needs. Please give us a call at 360-386-8571 and we’ll get you on the schedule.

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